Photographic miscellany
Me, my skull n’ eye (no, I am not vaniteux, as it may seem; I guarantee that it is the other way around — who knows me, knows that I am terrigno, earthy), Muscìda “Mumù”, Marsili-Alissi Gálakta, plus additional photos taken by me.
The cat’s eye in shades of green is a tribute to 毕赣.
The girl in the snapshot is an Easter egg (a burning intersection of private life and cinema of the past due only to a bizarre resemblance) for the Gran lombarda — gyse, I do know, it’s a personal matter, c’est une vision à deux, whilst all the others are excluded. On the other hand, isn’t mathematics (τέχνη μαθηματική) a clumsy attempt, under the eyes of Nature, to bring the poetics of the imagination to a universal rigor? A rigor that, not unlike any other language which is a figment of a Characteristica universalis, disappears like dew at the arrival of dawn, thus demonstrating its inability to enclose the ineffable multitude of Nature in a formula? This is another form of exclusion on the gallows of the unspeakable (I am reminded of a famous book by J.S. Bell).
Uncle Walt, again; he knew his stuff: for a sort of decay of nature, in the guise of an out-of-control particula or scattered ray, detached from the womb of light, «I am large . . . . I contain multitudes [...]. I too am [ineffable and] untranslatable» (Leaves of Grass, Brooklyn, New York, 1855, p. 55).